Students from Hajvery University showcased their exceptional talent and media expertise by hosting an engaging talk show on The event featured two renowned personalities, the celebrated classical and playback singer Rafaqat Ali Khan and the legendary actress Nisho Begum.
The talk show was a lively and insightful discussion, delving into the personal journeys, professional experiences, and contributions of the guests to their respective fields. Rafaqat Ali Khan shared his perspectives on the evolution of classical music and the importance of preserving cultural heritage, while Nisho Begum reflected on her illustrious career in the film industry and her passion for the performing arts.
The students impressed the audience with their professionalism, eloquence, and deep understanding of the art of communication. This remarkable opportunity not only highlighted the talents of Hajvery University’s students but also underscored the university’s commitment to providing practical learning experiences that prepare students for success in the dynamic media industry.