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Quality Enhancement cell


In Pakistan’s Higher Education Institutions, Quality Assurance mechanisms have been well-established. HEIs are carefully putting the Academic Standards set by the HEC Quality Assurance Agency into practice. The Hajvery University Lahore Quality Enhancement Cell is creating academic protocols like degree programs are designed by closely adhering to these quality standards. The Cell oversees and supports academic departments’ quality assurance activities. The Cell focuses on important concerns that the institution utilizes in guiding its strategic decisions about program enhancement and budget allocation through surveys and other social science research methods that are aligned with the institutions’ main objectives and advancing excellence in higher education at Hajvery University.



The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at Hajvery University envisions fostering a culture of academic excellence, continuous improvement, and innovation. It aims to maintain strong quality assurance procedures and a dedication to worldwide competitiveness in order to maintain high levels of quality across all administrative and academic responsibilities. The QEC works to enable faculty and students to be successful in their careers, pay back to the community, and live productively in a world that is changing quickly.



The mission of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at Hajvery University (HU) is to ensure and enhance the quality of education, research, and service provision. It achieves this through rigorous quality assurance processes, continuous improvement initiatives, capacity building, and the promotion of best practices in higher education. QEC at HU conduct regular surveys at all level so that through feedback mechanism quality in all areas (academic and non-academic) can be improved.



The aim of HU-QEC is to meet the challenges of global compatibility in higher education. It shall implement the various plans and policies of the Higher Education Commission pertaining to quality assurance in order to raise standards of higher education in the country.

Following are the objectives of QEC:

  • To monitor the on-going quality initiatives at Hajvery University.
  • To conduct institutional performance evaluation (IPE) and self-assessment of academic programs.
  • To review the on-going Bachelor &Masterprograms and ensure quality of newly introduced academic programs as per HEC criteria.
  • To conduct Awareness seminars/conferences/workshops on Quality Assurance within University and involving resource person/s from outside the University.
  • To encourage and assist departments of the University to ensure quality in teaching and assessment in the various academic programs.
  • To act as a liaison office between University and external agencies such as HEC, PHEC, and other HEIs for quality assurance.




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